Course curriculum

    1. A message from your instructor

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    1. The Desired Outcomes

    2. Assignment #1

    3. The Role Model

    4. Eight Key Challenges for Students Today

    5. Assignment #2

    6. Neuro-Linguistic Programming

    7. NLP Presuppositions

    8. Assignment #3

    9. NLP Communication Model

    10. Assignment #4

    11. The Six Key Concepts to this Workshop

    12. Assignment #5

    1. Lesson 1: Neuro-plasticity

    2. Assignment #6

    3. Lesson 2: Mindset

    4. Assignment #7

    5. Lesson 3: Fixed Mindset

    6. Assignment #8

    7. Lesson 4: Growth Mindset

    8. Assignment #9

    9. Lesson 5: Stress-Enhancing Mindset

    10. Assignment #10

    11. Lesson 6: Moving from a Fixed to Growth Mindset

    12. Assignment #11

    13. Lesson 7: Mindset of a Champion

    14. Assignment #12

    1. Shift #1: Take Responsibility

    2. Assignment #13

    3. Shift #2: Clean Up Your Memories

    4. Assignment #14

    5. Shift #3: Apply HEAT, Habit-Emotion-Attitude-Training

    6. Assignment #15

    7. Shift #4: Take Advantage of Synergy

    8. Lesson #17

    9. Shift #5: Creating Rituals

    10. Lesson #18

    1. Tool #1: Your Breath

    2. Assignment #18

    3. Tool #2: Anchoring

    4. Assignment #19

    5. Tool #3 Modeling or Acting as If

    6. Assignment #20

    7. Modeling Physiology: The Impersonation

    8. Assignment #21

    9. Modeling Mindset & Strategies of Kobe Bryant

    10. Assignment #22

    11. Modeling Mindset and Strategies of Edwin Moses

    12. Assignment #23

    13. Modeling the Mindset of Nelson Mandela

    14. Assignment #24

    15. Resources

    1. Congrats! Here's what's next...

    2. Initiate and Follow Through

    3. Before you go...

About this course

  • $65.00
  • 57 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today