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The Complete Mindset of a Champion Curriculum


Instructor Bio:

Chuck Barnard has spent his professional life helping to train the mindsets of perhaps the most challenging clientele there is – middle school students who weren’t seeking change. While that work was his primary work, Chuck has also done private coaching working primarily, though not exclusively, with athletes and athletic teams. Chuck has taken his unique experience with his extensive training that includes training and certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming with both Tony Robbins and Tad James. He is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner, Master Time-Line Therapy Practitioner, and Master Hypnotherapist. He has also been certified in Advanced Behavioral Modeling by Wyatt Woodsmall. Chuck has his Master’s Degree In Special Education with an emphasis on behavior. He has used his extensive training and education as well as real-world experience to create this training programming. This program has been adapted from the very program he developed over the years to train a growth mindset in his students. He has over 30 years of proven success in this niche field of a Mindset Mentor.

Chuck Barnard

The Champion's Mindset Mentor


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